About Us
The Calderone Club is Milwaukee’s premier destination for authentic Italian cuisine.
Our Passion
AUTHENTIC ITALIAN FOOD! Calderone Club uses only the finest, freshest ingredients in all of our handmade dishes.
Chef Gino Fazzari
As a 1997 graduate of the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, Gino took over the operation of Calderone Club Downtown Milwaukee and hasn’t looked back.
Our History
For generations, the Calderone Club has been serving up the finest authentic Italian cuisine in Milwaukee.
Pizza was introduced to Milwaukee and popularized by Joe Todaro & John Caravella at the Caradaro Club in Milwaukee’s Third Ward.
Antonio Fazzari (Gino’s father) buys the Caradaro Club from Joe Todaro with the pizza recipe.
Antonio sells the Caradaro Club to his brother-in-law and moves back to Italy with his family.
Fazzari family returns from Italy and opens Calderone Club on the East side of Milwaukee using the Caradaro pizza recipe.
The Calderone Club downtown opens.
Gino Fazzari takes over ownership and operations of the Calderone Club downtown.
Here’s a glimpse of what it’s like at the Calderone Club.